Event Horizon

Plot - Freaky-weird-haunted-space-ship-go-berserko.
My pointless drivel - Umm...this movie is weird. It wasn't necessarily scary, but...not normal. There were alot of quick flashes of dead and mutilated people, and talks of hell and such; you know, the usual. Don't go see it if you're epileptic though, man, there were a few strobe light scenes that blinded me blind. I kid you not.

Money Talks

Plot - Chris Tucker, a ticket scalper, makes me laugh. And Charlie Sheen is along for ride if he must.
My pointless drivel - Basically Beverly Hills Cop and 48 Hours combined, but still funny. My man Smokey don't not disappoint. And you know this, mannnn!


Plot - This guy, see, he like, dies, and then like, comes back to life and stuff, and then he makes lots of special effects happen.
My pointless drivel - BLEH. I was hoping that Spawn would be pretty cool, but alas. For the most part the special effects were cool, but come one, everyone knows special effects dont make a movie. Just take a look at Twister or Jurassic Park. Did they make any money?
.....wait. nevermind.


Plot - Aliens want new friends, and really, come on now, who better than Jodie Foster?
My pointless drivel - Ohh, this is one of those "smart" movies, ok... I see.....
This movie was like 2:30 long and let me say it was pretty good. It's nice to see a movie that isn't "blockbustered" up.

Operation Condor

Plot - Jackie goes to find some gold in the desert, and guess what? He finds some adventure along the way.
My pointless drivel - Jackie is cool. There's alot of fighting in this movie, a little less stunts. More like Rumble in the Bronx. The motorcycle and wind tunnel scenes were awesome. The girls in this movie served absolutely no purpose but to scream for help and get their towels ripped off. oh well.

Men In Black

Plot - There are aliens among us, and Will Smith has been saving all his one-liners for this moment.
My pointless drivel - This movie made a ton of money, but like Independence Day, it wasn't all that. It's a fun movie, but nothing really to get excited about. I still think Face/Off is better.


Plot - Cage kills Travolta's son, so Travolta must go kill Cage, but then Travolta becomes Cage, so ...must..go ...kill...himself?.......confused....cannot....comprehend......brain...overload......................
My pointless drivel - Wowee. This movie is awesome. Easily the best action flick of the summer and one of John Woo's best. It's good to see he finally has control over his movies now, unlike with Hard Target and Broken Arrow. They even let him reshoot the ending of Face/Off the way he wanted it. You must see this movie or I will steal your face. Unless you're ugly.

Power  Rangers turbo

Plot - Sorry, I didn't get the plot, I missed the first 15 minutes you see, so I was totally in the dark for the rest of this movie.
My pointless drivel - Shift into turbo! This movie cost me a dollar and 90 minutes of my life. Oh who am I kidding? How could you not love Kat and Tommy and uhh....those other ranger people. They protect us from evil. You should be grateful. I bet you aren't though. psh.

Lost World

Plot - Dinosaurs on island. Humans on island. Dinosaurs eat humans. You can do the math...
My pointless drivel - This is a really good entertaining movie. I don't know why people say "ohh, it's not realistic, this and that would never happen..." DUH, there are DINOSAURS walking around. You go to be entertained and watch the dinosaurs, and that's exactly what Spielberg gives you. So SHUTUP and go watch some veloceraptors kill people. YEAH.

5th Element

Plot - The future. The fifth element. It must be found. Bruce Willis is out to find it and fall in love with it.
My pointless drivel - This movie is tooooo good visually. The colors and lighting and visual effects....too good. Chris Tucker (from "Friday") is funny, but gets kinda annoying after a while. What can I say, this movie has it all, humor, effects, cinematography, costumes, acting, the story is kinda weak, but who cares. Go see this now.

Austin Powers

Plot - It's shag time baby, yeah! Austin Powers must be defrosted to fight Dr. Evil and his freako cat.
My pointless drivel - Really just another SNL movie, but an above average one. It might make you horny, randy even. It's shagalicious, yeah baby, yeah!

Liar Liar

Plot - Little kiddie wants daddy to stop lying. LET THE HI-LARITY ENSUE.
My pointless drivel - I thought this was the best Jim Carrey movie yet. Slightly edging out Pet Detective, easily killing Mask and Cable Guy. I done already seen it twice, it gude. Go see it now!

fools rush in

Plot - Chandler and Salma get it on.
My pointless drivel - I dunno why I even saw this movie. Oh wait, now I remember, JOHN made me. Anyway, I did not appreciate the way this movie tried to pull at my emotions by making Chandler and Salma get together, break apart, get together, break apart. My emotions are not to be toyed with. Remember that if you wish to live. Other than that, it was mildly amusing.

Private Parts
Plot - Howard being all dumb.
My pointless drivel - A feeble attempt by Howard to endear himself to his detractors while exciting his fans and making even more money in the process.

Star Wars
Plot - Luke stops being a wuss and starts kickin some ass. Bobba Fett gets eaten by the ground monster. Oh yes, and lots of little ship thingies fly around outer space.
My pointless drivel - We learn that Darth Vader not only is ugly on the inside, but ugly on the outside too! ewww! There was a decent amount of new stuff in this, I dunno, it was ok. They changed the Ewoks song at the end, which kinda sucked.